The visionary behind the outstanding International Committee of Tourism Film Festivals is Alexander V. Kammel

In a recent interview conducted by SAXMAG owner HRH Princess Keisha Omilana, Alexander V. Kammel, the director of CIFFT (International Committee of Tourism Film Festivals), shared some fascinating insights into the organization and its journey. One of the key points he highlighted was the comprehensive ranking list that is conducted months in advance to determine the winners of the CIFFT awards. These winners are then notified a few weeks before the prestigious awards show.

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The visionary behind the outstanding International Committee of Tourism Film Festivals is Alexander V. Kammel

Alexander V. Kammel also mentioned the immense support that CIFFT has received from Visit Valencia and the Region of Valencia. CIFFT has been working closely with Miguel Angel Pérez, the Director of Brand & Markets, and Pepa Jordá Vázquez, who is responsible for the Valencia Film Office. Their support has been instrumental in propelling CIFFT to new heights. Previously, the CIFFT awards were held in Vienna for 30 years. However, after being invited to Valencia to shoot a video highlighting the winners during the pandemic, CIFFT fell in love with the city and decided to host the awards there.


CIFFT is under the management of Filmservice International, an Austrian company helmed by Alexander V. Kammel. This dynamic organization has successfully organized various film festivals in renowned locations such as Vienna, Cannes, Germany, and Los Angeles. Despite its modest size, with only 13 dedicated staff members, most of whom are youthful individuals under the age of 40, Filmservice International has left an indelible mark on the film industry. Alexander, the director, fondly recalls his father’s influential role in the Austrian film scene, where he served as a prominent producer for corporate and advertising firms. It was his father’s unwavering passion for films and festivals that ignited Alexander’s own love for the industry from a tender age. The memories of visiting his father’s office, adorned with impressive Italian diplomas, remain vivid in Alexander’s mind, as the Italians held a deep fascination for festivals and accolades.

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The concept of non-commercial film distribution was introduced to Alexander and his team by an organization, and they immediately found success with it. As tourism festivals started to gain popularity, in 1989, on the occasion of the 8th International Tourism Film Festival “Festival of Festivals”, organized by Filmservice International, which was held as part of the Vienna leisure fair “Ferien – 89”, the most important international tourism film festivals came together in Vienna and founded the committee (“International Committee of Tourism Film Festivals”).


After 29 years of CIFFT’s existence, Hugo Marcos, the experienced co-director of ART&TUR International Tourism Film Festival in Portugal, joined the organization and played a crucial role in taking CIFFT to the next level. Hugo has assembled a solid team of 4 individuals. He tirelessly attends every festival and awards ceremony, traveling extensively to promote CIFFT’s mission.

Interview with Alexander V. Kammel conducted by HRH Princess Keisha Omilana

The interview with Alexander V. Kammel shed light on the remarkable journey of CIFFT and its evolution over the years. From a small company with a passion for films and festivals to an internationally recognized organization, CIFFT continues to make a significant impact in the tourism and film industry. With the support of Visit Valencia and the Region of Valencia, and the dedication of its team, CIFFT is poised to achieve even greater success in the future.


Furthermore, in this exclusive interview conducted by SAXMAG with Alexander, the director of CIFFT (International Committee of Tourism Film Festivals), it was revealed that he is a dedicated individual who works tirelessly to promote the committee in the countries he visits for the festivals. Although he claims to have no specific hobbies, he tries to make the most of his busy travel schedule by visiting friends in the countries where his festivals are held. Additionally, he tries to catch up on reading during his travels. While he used to play golf, he no longer has the time for it, as traveling has become his true passion and hobby.


CIFFT is a business-to-business event, meaning that mainly the award winners are invited to the awards show. Although the awards are open to the public, Alexander believes that having an awards event exclusively for the winners is a winning strategy based on their past experiences. He has had previous experience attending events for corporate films with around 900 guests, most of whom had no connection to the film industry. However, he prefers hosting events specifically for the winners, as it allows the winners to connect and interact with each other.

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(L-R) OLGA IF, SAXSMAG Manager, Alexander V. Kammel, CIFFT Director and Princess Keisha Omilana, Owner of SAXSMAG

Alexander is eager to see students and young filmmakers actively participating in film festivals. He firmly believes that these aspiring individuals would greatly benefit from the invaluable chance to experience the harsh realities of the market and interact with potential future clients. Simultaneously, he envisions a scenario where seasoned professionals are exposed to novel ideas and fresh perspectives, resulting in a dynamic and lively atmosphere.


Interestingly, Alexander reveals that he has served as a judge on some tourism film festivals and is involved in the chamber of commerce. He fondly remembers attending his first corporate film event with his father, which sparked his interest in the industry. While he considers himself a “figures guy,” his sister took over the production part of the business, while he focused on the distribution aspect.


Inquiring about his guidance for the younger generation, Alexander places great emphasis on the unwavering commitment to never surrender. He recognizes that fear and despondency may surface, yet the crucial element lies in persisting and exerting relentless effort. Additionally, he underscores the profound value of nurturing friendships, as they possess the power to offer solace and elevate one’s morale amidst arduous circumstances.


In terms of dealing with haters, Alexander believes that everyone faces criticism at some point. He emphasizes the need for a strong support system and encourages individuals not to hesitate in seeking professional help if necessary.


Looking ahead, Alexander plans to continue working for at least another 15 years. He is excited about the numerous projects he has in the pipeline and draws inspiration from his father, who always enjoyed working with young people. As a result, he surrounds himself with a young and dynamic staff.


On a personal level, Alexander practices sustainability in various aspects of his life, including his clothing choices and shopping habits. He is particularly enthusiastic about the upcoming Green City initiative in Valencia next year and eagerly anticipates its implementation.


In conclusion, Alexander’s dedication to exploring different countries for the festivals, his focus on hosting events for the award winners, and his passion for involving students and young filmmakers highlight his commitment to the film industry. His advice to never give up, maintain strong friendships, and seek professional help when needed serves as valuable guidance for aspiring individuals. With his plans to continue working and his commitment to sustainability, Alexander’s impact on the film industry is set to endure for years to come.