In this exlusive interview conducted by SAXS Magazine, Teresa Cebrian, the esteemed President of Academia and a prominent figure in...
Alexander V. Kammel also mentioned the immense support that CIFFT has received from Visit Valencia and the Region of Valencia....
The event not only recognizes the best tourism films from around the world but also serves as a platform for...
The festival, which focuses on fantastic cinema, was born out of a group of friends' passion for classic films. Starting...
One of the most prominent events under his supervision is the Semana de Terror, or the Horror Film Week. This...
The Valencian Upon their arrival, the organizers greeted Princess Keisha and her team with the utmost respect and admiration, displaying a...
FESTIVAL Elena Muñoz Princess Keisha Omilana, the proprietor of SAXSMAG, shown a notable level of interest in the San Sebastian...
With her keen eye for fashion and her innate ability to spot trends in film, Princess Keisha was eager to...